Letter to Residents re: COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Posted on
March 16, 2020
First Selectman's Office
Dear Residents,

The Town of Morris is continually monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and communicating with the Department of Public Health, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Region 6 Administration, the Town of Morris Emergency Management Director, Morris Fire Company Chief, Fire Marshal, Public Works Director along with our Department Heads. 

In an effort to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Morris Town Hall, Library and Senior Center will be closed to the public starting Tuesday, March 17. All Beach & Rec activities are cancelled. Employees will still to report to work if they are well and will be available by phone or email. Tax payments may be paid online, mailed or dropped in the book return box outside the lower door at the Town Hall. Check or money orders only, no cash. Hunting and Fishing licenses may be obtained online at the DEEP website. Any documents that need to be filed with the Town Clerk may be sent either USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc. The Transfer Station and Highway Department will continue to operate normally. The Town Meeting has been cancelled for Wednesday evening. The Board of Selectman's meeting scheduled for March 17, 4:30 p.m. will happen as scheduled. We are in the process of setting up a system by which commission members and the public will be able to participate in meetings remotely. 

We ask that our residents keep an eye on their neighbors who may be at risk. Volunteers are available to deliver food and medicine for those that need it. Anyone requiring access to the Town Food Pantry, either to pick up or drop off items is asked to call ahead @ 860-567-7430. Any questions or concerns, please contact me at 1stselectman@townofmorrisct.com or my cell @ 860-806-9950. 

The best source of information regarding the COVID-19 outbreak continues to be the Center for Disease Control website at www.cdc.gov and ct.gov/coronavirus. Hotlines are available by calling 211 and 833-621-0600.

The Town will be sending out a mailer to every home this coming week with more information. Practice Social Distancing, avoid large groups, wash your hands and look out for each other. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. 

Tom Weik
First Selectman