Declaration of State of Emergency

Posted on
March 18, 2020
First Selectman's Office
Dear Residents, 

Yesterday, at the Board of Selectmen's Meeting, the Selectmen unanimously adopted a Declaration of State of Emergency for the Town of Morris in response to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. What does this mean to you and our Town? It will not change any day to day activities for residents, but it does align with the emergency declarations that have been made at the State and Federal levels. 

By declaring the State of Emergency, it allows the First Selectman's office operational flexibility and authority to address a disaster or emergency, and allows the Town to seek available State and Federal Funding. 

We will continue to keep you updated as things progress. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please call me at 860-567-7431 or

Thank you,
Tom Weik
First Selectman